Computed Radiography (CR) system
The CR 30 Xm is a solution for digital mamm o g r a p h y and general radiography. This is a compact solution that can handle both mammography and general radiography applications, including full leg/full spine (FLFS). It can also be used in X-ray rooms and mobile facilities, making it suitable for initiatives like mobile breast screening. With this CR solution, lower volume hospitals and private practices can benefit from the workflow advantages of digital radiography. It requires no special electrical outlet installation, while the modular design offers easy maintenance, keeping total cost of ownership low. For mammography, the system offers images with very fine 50 micrometer pixel definition. The proprietary software analyses each image and automatically applies the appropriate image enhancement parameters independent of the examination type, while the workstation provides very fast image acquisition and a smooth workflow. Workflow is further enhanced by embedded memory in the cassettes, which links ID data and images throughout the entire electronic processing system.
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