Fully automated retinal camera
The fully automated DRS retinal camera offers now more features, including a stereo mode with 3D viewer and automatic (or manual) acquisition of images of the posterior and anterior segment, providing alignment throughout the live image. Automatic mosaic composition is supported and new measuring tools are available, including area, vessel calliper and relation ‘cup-to-disc’. Automatic differential analysis is also provided. The compact ergonomic design features an integrated PC with a 160GB hard drive, enabling the storage of thousands of images directly onto the system or USB memory stick, and the ability to transmit to another PC or network via a Wi-Fi or ethernet connection. New functionality allows the user to restore data from back-ups and transfer images securely to the web via a browser. In addition, image quality has been improved and new printing formats are supported, for example the ability to print two or more images. The product has a single- button operation which enables the camera to automatically capture and store a high quality image in less than 30 seconds per eye.
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