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Rupture of the coronary plaque surface, accompanied by the exposure of thrombogenic, red cell-rich necrotic core material, is one of the most important underlying mechanisms in acute coronary syndrome (ACS). After decades of idling, such plaques sometimes suddenly burst into this life-threatening condition. The rupturing occurs during the evolution of coronary atherosclerotic lesions, and is often accompanied by super-imposed thrombosis.
To date, the precise mechanisms involved in plaque erosion remain generally unknown. Coronary spasm is simply a universal suspect.
Prevention is therefore considered to be the only effective means for reducing the mortality and morbidity of coronary heart disease.
Coronary lesions that are prone to rupture have a distinct morphology compared with stable plaques, and provide a unique opportunity for non-invasive imaging to identify vulnerable plaques, before they lead to clinical events.
Plethora of terminology
The severity and prognosis of plaque rupture is characterized by a plethora of terminology. Plaque vulnerability describes the risk of symptomatic thrombosis in the short term, whereas plaque ‘activity’ remains ambiguous (referring to one of a wide variety of processes associated with progression).
‘Plaque burden’ is accepted to denote extent of disease. It is a measure of the extent of atherosclerosis, regardless of the cellular composition or activity of plaques. There are various ways to measure the burden: plaque volume, lesion-coverage of arterial surface – sometimes based on using computed tomography (CT) to measure coronary calcium score, or ultrasound to assess plaque area in the carotid bed. Given that atherosclerosis is multi-focal (and impacts upon the entire vasculature), a high plaque burden in one region (e.g. the lower limbs) may be a marker for advanced disease elsewhere. The highest concern on the latter consists of the coronary arteries due to their high degree of susceptibility.
Size is not everything
Rather than plaque size alone, the risk of rupture depends more on the composition and type of plaque, inter alia, richness in soft extracellular lipids – and macrophages. Indeed, structurally what is required for plaque rupture is an extremely thin fibrous cap. As a result, ruptures are usually minuscule and occur mainly at the periphery of the cap covering the lipid-rich core – among lesions clinically defined as thin-cap fibroatheromas. They have reduced tensile strength and are more extensible than intact caps, while the presence of collagen and smooth muscle cells is lower. In effect, as extracellular lipid accumulation progresses (usually due to external stress/triggers), the fibrous cap weakens and predisposition of a plaque to rupture increases.
Several other factors are also believed to play a concurrent role, among them inflammatory cell recruitment, macrophage formation, necrosis, matrix synthesis, calcification, arterial remodelling, etc.
The interaction between these factors is not only complex but variable too, as far as the development of plaque is concerned. This leads to unpredictable rates of progression and variable clinical outcomes.
Not all ruptures lead to ACS
Nevertheless, there are, once again, certain other issues in play with regard to the clinical relevance of vulnerable plaque detection. Most plaques remain subclinical and asymptomatic. Others elicit acute thrombosis and may lead to an acute coronary syndrome (ACS).
However, not all plaque ruptures cause ACS. Some develop obstructively (stable angina). Indeed, on its own, stable angina pectoris derived from atherosclerosis is rarely fatal without scarring of the myocardium – the latter can provoke an arrhythmia presenting as sudden cardiac death.
Confusion arises in other contexts too. For example, the presence of thrombosis is not the same as the occurrence of ACS. Indeed, some physicians believe that the majority of ruptures and erosions are asymptomatic in the short term, although they may sometimes lead to gradual coronary narrowing.
Nightmare for prognosis
This lack of clarity has proven to be a nightmare. ACS occurs only when vulnerable plaque, platelet activation and impaired fibrinolysis occur alongside inflammatory states. Such vulnerability may change with time, and it is these changing dynamics vis-a-vis stress/triggers which determines the exact moment and point of rupture. As a result, the non-invasive detection of vulnerable plaques is considered to be of great clinical relevance, especially in ultra-high risk patients.
At the cutting-edge
Currently, a host of new, non-invasive techniques are being harnessed to assess and predict the likelihood of coronary plaque rupture. Leading the way are computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and fractional flow reserve (FFR) methodologies. They are based on harnessing supercomputing capability to the analysis of CT angiography.
The high quality imaging and sub-millimetre resolution of modern computed tomography (CT) scanners allows characterization and quantification of lesions at accuracies unimaginable barely a decade ago. CFD supplements the functional information of CT-based plaque assessment by calculating lesion-specific endothelial shear stress and FFR. Such supplementation of functional information by quantified morphologic data about coronary plaques is considered to be one of the best means to detect vulnerable plaques.
FFR guided therapy
For patients with coronary calcification and hemodynamically significant obstructive disease, FFR has long been considered the best solution for guiding re-vascularization of lesions and improving outcomes. FFR provides an index of atherosclerosis and lesion significance, as measured with a pressure-sensitive angioplasty guidewire. FFR-guided therapy has improved patient outcomes, reduced stent insertions. However, it is used in less than one-tenth of cases due to procedural and operator related factors – above all, patient discomfort due to time and motion artifact as well as cost.
Coupling FFR to CT angiography
More recently, due to the developments in non-invasive CT imaging and the application of CFD modelling to CT angiography datasets, FFR can be derived non-invasively without requiring modification of standard CT angiography acquisition protocols or inducing hyperemia.
Such non-invasive FFR, moreover, has been shown to demonstrate excellent correlation with invasive FFR.
One of the key studies investigating the impact of combining FFR and CT was called PLATFORM (the Prospective LongitudinAl trial of FFRCT: Outcome and Resource Impacts).
PLATFORM, which ran from the end of 2013 to 2015 at centres in the US and Europe, demonstrated improved patient selection for invasive angiography using a combination of coronary CT angiography (CCTA) along with fractional flow reserve CT (FFRCT). The so-called CCTA-FFRCT approach increased the chance of identifying obstructive coronary artery disease among those intended for invasive testing and held forth the promise of serving as an efficacious gatekeeper to invasive coronary angiography (ICA).
The findings were conclusive, with numbers presented by researchers at the European Society of Cardiology at London in 2015. The use of FFRCT in patients with planned invasive catheterization, they noted, was associated with a reduction in the rate of finding no obstructive CAD at ICA, from 73% to 12%. It also resulted in cancellation of 61% of ICAs.
Computational fluid dynamics
In effect, the adoption and translation of CFD modelling may be considered to have revolutionized cardiovascular medicine.
CFD is a specialist IT discipline bringing together advanced mathematics and fluid mechanics. Its roots lie in mission-critical/high-performance engineering systems. Much of its history is intimately connected to the aerospace industry, to enhance the accuracy of complex simulation scenarios such as transonic or turbulent air flows.
In medicine, the first-ever CFD investigations began in cardiovascular research, to clarify the characteristics of aortic flow in a degree of detail below the threshold of experimental measurements. Computer-aided design (CAD) models of the human vascular system were built using modern imaging techniques, coupled to rapid, economical, low-risk 3-D prototyping. The ensuing models precisely computed factors such as blood flow and tissue behaviour and response, taking close consideration of boundary conditions such as complex systemic/physiological pressure and ‘virtualized’ metrics such as wall shear stress.
CFD modelling has already revolutionized the development of devices such as stents, valve prostheses, and ventricular assist devices.
CFD is currently being translated into cardiovascular clinical tools for minimally-invasive application to a wide spectrum of coronary, valvular, myocardial and peripheral vascular diseases. One of the biggest advantages offered by combining high-resolution imaging with CFD is that unique patient-specific data can be juxtaposed into multi-scale, variable duration models to make individualized risk prediction and planning possible. This is directly opposed to registry-based, population-averaged data.
In the future, it is expected that the trend to ‘digital patient’ representation, combined with population-scale numerical models, will reduce cost, time and risk associated with clinical trials.
The massive processing power brought to play by CFD quickly led to the understanding that mechanistic forces of arterial wall shear stress (WSS) and axial plaque force acting on coronary plaques might be responsible for both the development of coronary plaque and its vulnerability to rupture.
For example, it is difficult to measure WSS, a key factor in the development of atherosclerosis and in-stent restenosis, without invasive procedures – with all the latters’ attendant risks and frequent futility. One study demonstrated that less than a third of patients with suspected obstructive coronary artery disease (CAD) showed its presence after invasive coronary angiography (ICA), while an even-smaller number had flow-limiting obstructive disease based on invasive fractional flow reserve (FFR).
In contrast, CFD models can both compute and map the spatial distribution of WSS, establishing links between haemodynamic disturbance and atherogenesis and explaining why atherosclerotic plaque tends to be deposited at arterial bends or bifurcations.
CFD modelling has also been central to comprehending the role of WSS in endothelial homoeostasis. While turbulent blood flow reduces WSS and stimulates adverse vessel remodelling, non-disturbed laminar blood flow seems to be associated with higher WSS – which reduces endothelial cell activation. In a March 2012 issue of ‘Circulation’, researchers from Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, CVPath Institute at Maryland and the Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York established that a complex series of WSS-related signalling pathways and interactions underlie the above phenomenon.
Though much more remains to be understood before such pathways can be exploited to their full extent to yield new anti-atherosclerotic therapies, few doubt that the way forward lies in further CFD models that combine dynamic fluid behaviour analysis with cellular response.
Other emerging techniques
Apart from CFD, other methodologies under consideration to quantify measurement of coronary plaque and lesions include the use of radio-frequency (RF) backscatter intravascular ultrasound. A prospective study in 2011 in the US known as ATLANTA sought to make the first-ever assessment of the accuracy of 3-dimensional, quantitative measurements of coronary plaque by computed tomography angiography (CTA) against intravascular ultrasound with radiofrequency backscatter analysis (IVUS/VH).
For the ATLANTA study, 60 patients underwent coronary X-ray angiography, IVUS/VH and coronary CTA. Plaque geometry and composition was quantified after spatial co-registration on segmental and slice-by-slice bases. The researchers found significant correlation for all pre-specified parameters by segmental and slice-by-slice analyses. Compositional analysis suggested that high-density non calcified plaque on CTA best correlated with fibrous tissue and low-density non calcified plaque correlated with necrotic core plus fibrofatty tissue by IVUS/VH.
Danish, Finnish and Swedish organizations join forces to facilitate business partnering and networking at Arab Health 2018. At the event, 75 Nordic companies bring innovative life science solutions aiming to add sustainable value to the Middle East healthcare sectors and to build lasting relations between the Nordic participants and local stakeholders.
Business Finland, Business Sweden, Danish Health Tech Group and Global Pharma Consulting are coordinating four national pavilions at Arab Health 2018. To kick off the trade fair, the organizations announce an exclusive Nordic Business Partnering and Networking Reception for invited guests on Monday 29 January 2018 at 7-10 pm at the Sofitel Dubai Downtown.
“This is the only opportunity for stakeholders in the MENA region to talk to so many decision makers, officials and experts from the Nordics in one place in a relaxed setting,” explains Senior Consultant Paula Hassoon at Global Pharma Consulting, organizer of The Innovation Pavilion by Sweden.
“Joining forces with our Danish and Finnish colleagues to host a Nordic partnering and networking event brings added value to all of the participating companies,” she says.
Digital health from Finland
At the four national pavilions, the Nordic companies will showcase cutting-edge med-tech solutions and technologies to the MENA region. According to Meria Heikelä, Director at Business Finland and co-organiser of the Finnish pavilion, Finland ranks among the three strongest health technology economies in the world, with digital health being its largest high-tech export.
“Finland’s world-class research and technology competencies are the pinnacle of its health sector and one reason why Finland has one of the most efficient healthcare systems in the world. Preventive healthcare and rehabilitation solutions are among the key focus areas of Finland at Arab Health 2018,” explains Meria Heikelä.
Danish innovations in med-tech
With the annual Pavilion of Denmark at Arab Health and a recent business delegation visit to UAE and Saudi Arabia healthcare sectors, Danish Health Tech Group is committed to share the Danish med-tech strengths with stakeholders in the MENA region.
“In Denmark, we prioritize design and quality, and innovate through an inherent focus on public-private sector cooperation and by proactively involving patients and staff in the healthcare sector,” says Thomas Andersen, Head of Danish Health Tech Group.
Swedish world-class healthcare
While all the Danish companies are exhibiting with Danish Health Tech Group, Sweden offers two different pavilions.
The Innovation Pavilion by Sweden and the official Swedish pavilion each has representatives from 20 Swedish healthcare and life science companies.
“Sweden is known for its world-class’ innovations within the healthcare sector. Much of this success derives from the tradition of entrepreneurship through the close collaboration between the government, academia and industry,” says Fredrik Bodin, Trade Commissioner of Sweden to the UAE, co-organizer of the official Swedish pavilion.
The national pavilions at Arab Health 2018
More information to be obtained from:
Business Finland (Finpro) at www.finpro.fiBusiness Sweden’s at Health Tech Group at Pharma Consulting at
The Health Industry Summit (tHIS) 2017 hosted by China and organized by Reed Sinopharm, was held in Shanghai at the National Exhibition and Convention Center from May 15th to 18th with well over 200,000 healthcare industry professionals from more than 150 countries and regions in attendance.
Now in its third edition, tHIS has been firmly established as the world’s largest health industry event with over 350,000 square meters of exhibition space and 160 individual events and conferences. It comes at a crucial time as China drives forward its “Healthy China 2030 Plan” initiative to realize among other goals an industry growth target of RMB 16 trillion (USD 2.3 trillion, Euro 1.9 trillion) by 2030 and an increase of average citizen lifespan by 3 years to 79 years.
Key events at tHIS 2017 included China’s three top medical equipment and pharmaceutical exhibitions (CMEF, PHARMCHINA and API China) and the leading healthcare investment forum – Healthcare China 2017. This year’s investment forum was co-organized by Reed Sinopharm, JP Morgan Asset management, CICC and Sinopharm Capital and was attended by more than 1000 CEOs, investors and institutions.
The exhibition featured the entire industry value chain and showcased tens of thousands of the latest technologies and products. Emerging technologies such as VR, AR, wearables and AI featured strongly on the show floor as well as in the key forums. During tHIS 2017, the World Medical Robots Innovation and Development Summit was held to reflect the growing trend for robotics and AI applications.
Over 7000 exhibiting companies from 30 countries were at the show including medical device giants like GE, United Imaging, Siemens, Philips and Mindray as well as major pharmaceutical groups in China including Sinopharm, Shanghai Pharma and CR Pharmaceuticals. The majority of the most innovative companies in the medical field choose CMEF as their global or Asia Pacific new product launch platform and more than 600 new product launches took place during the 4 days of the show. Among the new products released, United imaging launched its uVR 4D vision explorer platform, enabling more detailed dissect structure and spatial information, while GE launched its first cloud-based digital application for medical equipment management APM (asset performance management), which was developed by their China team. BGI also attended with their gene sequencer BGISEQ-500, a benchtop high-throughput open sequencing platform that provides end-to-end solutions.
Natural Health and Nutrition Expo were among the fastest growing segments in the portfolio, helped by the expected population boom in light of the reversal of the single child policy last year as well as a growing health-conscious middle class in China. Popular international brands like Blackmores, Nature Made and Garden of Life made their debut at the show along with 700 suppliers of health food and supplements, bringing with them popular product lines tailored to the Chinese market.
The Health Industry Summit is organized by Reed Sinopharm, a joint venture between the world’s leading event organizer Reed Exhibitions and China’s leading state-owned medical & pharmaceutical group Sinopharm, ranked number 199 on the latest Fortune 500 list released in July. Its next edition will be held in April 2018 in Shanghai while the 78th China International Medical Equipment Fair (CMEF Autumn 2017) is to take place in Yunnan at the Kunming Dianchi Convention & Exhibition Centre from October 29 to November 1.
Visitor profile
The vast majority of visitors naturally came from China, covering all regions and healthcare sectors. However, there was also a growing segment of international visitors. Topping the list of foreign countries was India with a 20% share of international attendees followed by Korea (15%), Pakistan, Japan, USA, Russia and Germany.
Overall, CMEF visitors spanned the entire medical area – both healthcare and medical device industry. Distributors of medical devices constituted the largest single visitor group with 45% of the total followed by hospital build and design (26%) and rehabilitation centre professionals (see detailed visitor composition chart on previous page).
National pavilions
The international participation is increasing, reflecting the growing importance of China’s healthcare industry. Further adding to the show’s attraction, a large number of national pavilions were featured in a dedicated hall where a constant stream of visitors could view the latest products and technology of companies from countries as diverse as Switzerland, Canada, Taiwan or Germany. For the first time the US and Pakistan had country group exhibits while the Spanish Medical Technology Association (FENIN) led some Spanish companies to make their appearance at the CMEF Spanish pavilion and the German Land of Thuringia organized a regional exhibit for the first time.
MEDICAL FAIR ASIA 2018, is set to continue its growth path with its 12th edition. An expected 1,000 exhibitors from 50 countries and 20 national pavilions will grace the exhibition to be held in Singapore from 29th to 31st August. Visitors will get to source from a comprehensive range of more than 5,000 products ranging from digital health technology, electromedical equipment, rehabilitation supplies to consumables.
There will be a total of 20 National Pavilions and Country Groups, this edition will see debut group participations from Belgium, Brazil, the Netherlands, Iran, Denmark, European Union Business Avenue, Russia, Spain and Qatar, adding to the internationality of the exhibition.
Inaugural Community Care Pavilion
On the show floor, visitors can also expect to see products relating to the current healthcare trends and needs of the Asian region. The debuting Community Care Pavilion, with its keen focus on geriatrics and digital health technology seeks to address the healthcare needs of both the ageing population and the region’s remote population by bringing healthcare beyond traditional healthcare institutions and into the community. Exhibitors have already arranged for product launches to take place during the 3-day period. France Bed Co Ltd will be showcasing their unique powered turning bed. It features an automatic turning support function that prevents users from bed sores. Xiaoniu Health Co Ltd will be unveiling their intelligent sleep machine that can perform both CPAP and AutoCPAP to sleep apnea patients.
Another first on the show floor is the inaugural Start-Up Park. Providing a platform for young and exciting start-ups, the exhibits will feature products that could transform the market in the near future including the latest innovations in big data, and IoT. Australian start-up Rapid Response Revival Research will unveil a prototype of their phone case defibrillator, CellAED, the world’s smallest, lightest and first truly mobile AED (Automatic External Defibrillator) for the very first time.
Conferences and forums
Back by popular demand, the exhibition will play host to the second edition of the MEDICINE + SPORTS Conference. This benchmark event for sports medicine will discuss topics ranging from digital innovations in sports and healthcare, exercise medicine to tailored exercise programmes for patients and athletes. A stellar lineup of speakers including experts Dr. Paul Gastin, Director for the Centre for Sport Research at Deakin University, Mr. Christian Stammel, CEO of WT | Wearable Technologies and Prof. James S. Skinner, Professor Emeritus in the Department of Kinesiology, Indiana University, have been confirmed.
With Start-Ups and SMEs deepening their presence in global business, the exhibition will also host the Medtech SME Workshop. Organized by the first and only regional medical technology association, Asia Pacific Medical Technology Association (APACMed), the workshop will provide small businesses with concise knowledge on clinical trials, product validation, patent laws and many others. Through this workshop, Medtech start-ups and SMEs can learn to navigate processes to develop cost-effective solutions to meet the region’s healthcare needs.
In line with the highlight on Community Care, the exhibition will also feature the first-ever Paradigm Shifts in Healthcare seminar from 30th to 31st August. Leading speakers will discuss the evolution of the healthcare industry while attendees learn how to overcome future challenges as healthcare goes beyond hospitals to the community.
Supported by the Robotic Surgery Society of Singapore, the Medical Innovation & Technology Forum will focus on robotic surgery and discuss how patients evolve from passive healthcare recipients to active value-seekers, encouraging healthcare providers to tap into the latest technological advances to provide more efficient treatment options.
www.medicalfair-thailand.comApril 2024
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