Reducing Alarm Fatigue, the New Challenge of Mortara Suite of Algorithms

In addition to designing and manufacturing a complete line of diagnostic cardiology and patient monitoring equipment, Mortara Instrument has always been recognized as a leader in the development of algorithms for safe and reliable ECG analysis. Now, Mortara has taken up a new challenge: Alarm Fatigue management.

Due to the increased number of monitored parameters available today and the need to reduce healthcare costs, algorithms must both be more sensitive and prevent more false alarms than in the past. Cardiac Care Units are always so busy that the large number of false alarms generated every day by monitoring systems can become a serious issue for healthcare personnel. This large number of false alarms induces so-called Alarm Fatigue’: in a nutshell, healthcare professionals, tired of wasting time in silencing false alarms, not only lose trust in their monitoring system, but tend to ignore possibly real alarms.

Mortara VERITASTM covers a large variety of diagnostic fields: from automatic resting ECG interpretation, to ambulatory Holter monitoring, to real-time algorithms specifically designed for bedside monitors and central stations, largely employed in Coronary Care and Intensive Care Units. Integrated in all Mortara product lines, VERITAS is constantly updated with new features and improved specificity and sensitivity.

Having obtained levels of sensitivity and specificity in line with major manufacturers is not enough to fight Alarm Fatigue. That is why much attention and investment have been devoted to reducing false alarm rates without affecting sensitivity. The updated VERITAS Arrhythmia algorithm defines a new standard in Alarm Fatigue management: up to 60percent less false alarms for lethal arrhythmias when compared to the most common algorithms available on the market, resulting in vast improvement of reliability of the systems on which it is installed.

The new version of VERITAS will be available on the Mortara monitoring line – SurveyorTM Central, Surveyor S4 telemetry, Surveyor S12 and S19 bedside monitors – starting November 2016*.

For further information, click  here

Mortara, SurveyorTM and VERITASTM are trademarks or registered trademarks of Mortara Instrument, Inc.

*Not available in the U.S.