EKF Diagnostics’ Quo-Lab analyser is setting new standards in HbA1c measurement
A study published in the Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology found that “Quo-Lab met all criteria” and “has no bias compared to the mean of four secondary reference measurement procedures.”*
Quo-Lab is a semi-automated analyser designed to meet the needs of diabetes clinics and labs that demand low cost of operation and ease of use. It provides HbA1c results in four minutes using a small drop of blood.
EKF has developed Quo-Lab in conjunction with industry experts to deliver a product that meets the tightening requirements of NGSP certification and CAP EQA criteria.
Find out what Quo-Lab can do for your practice today.https://www.ekfdiagnostics.com/quo-lab.html
*Lenters-Westra E, English E. Evaluation of Four HbA1c Point-of-Care Devices Using International Quality Targets: Are They Fit for the Purpose? Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology. 2018; 12: 762-770.