Siemens Healthineers unveils Biograph Trinion: Innovative PET/CT system for precision molecular imaging

Siemens Healthineers has announced the launch of the Biograph Trinion, a cutting-edge positron emission tomography/computed tomography (PET/CT) scanner that boasts high performance, energy efficiency, and a wide array of clinical capabilities.

Siemens Healthineers Biograph Trinion PET/CT

Siemens Healthineers’s new Biograph Trinion PET/CT

Designed to meet the evolving demands of modern medical imaging, this system represents a significant investment in sustainable technology with a low lifetime operational cost.

“The Biograph Trinion delivers the precision and speed required for today’s clinical demands,” said James Williams, PhD, head of Molecular Imaging at Siemens Healthineers. “This new system is designed with a focus on user and patient experience, while also providing a sustainable investment through reduced installation and operational costs, and easy, on-site scalability.”

New, scalable, air-cooled, digital detector

At the heart of the Biograph Trinion is a new, scalable, air-cooled, digital detector based on lutetium oxyorthosilicate (LSO) crystal elements. This detector achieves remarkable spatial resolution and an ultrafast time-of-flight performance of 239 picoseconds, enabling effective sensitivity up to 128 counts per second per kilobecquerel. These capabilities facilitate small lesion detectability, fast scans, and low patient radiation doses.

SOMATOM go. Platform

The CT component of the Biograph Trinion is derived from Siemens Healthineers’ established SOMATOM go. platform, delivering rapid, low-dose, high-quality CT scanning with up to 128 slices. The integrated PET/CT platform streamlines workflows, eliminating the need for separate CT acquisition systems or post-processing solutions. Comprehensive post-processing imaging applications cover oncology, theranostics (combining diagnostics and therapeutics for targeted cancer treatment), cardiovascular imaging, and neurology, including Alzheimer’s disease.

Workflow powered by AI

User and patient experience are priorities in the Biograph Trinion’s design. The workflow, powered by artificial intelligence and the intuitive myExam Companion interface, automates tasks and guides users through each exam step for consistent results. The mobile workflow enabled by the portable Scan&Go tablet and remote control allows for efficient setup and operation from within or outside the scanning room. An integrated patient camera and the patient moodlight feature enhance communication and comfort during exams.


Sustainability is a key focus, with a low total cost of ownership. The air-cooling system simplifies installation compared to water-cooled PET/CT scanners. The compact footprint fits traditional PET/CT rooms, and the integrated computer technology eliminates the need for a separate equipment room. Energy efficiency is optimized through a smart power-save mode that automatically powers down and up without disrupting workflow, resulting in up to 46% energy savings.

Future proof

Notably, the Biograph Trinion’s scalable axial field of view can be upgraded on-site with the latest innovations, avoiding costly room renovations or workflow interruptions. This future-proofing capability ensures that the system can adapt to evolving clinical and technological demands.

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